quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010

My book review

I know I was supposed to write a book review a loong time ago,(better late them never right?hehe) I kept postponing it because I didn`t really love the ending, and I didn`t love how most of the story turned out either, I liked it, just didn`t completely loved it. So, I was afraid I would spoil everything, or give people the wrong impression of this book.

Let me start by saying that it`s a really good book, I just thought the story was going to be at least 90% different than it turned out to be. But that`s just me, like I said in the last post, I practically grew up with these characters, so I would think I knew a little bit about them.
Turns out there`s more to them than I realized, in fact I couldn`t really recognize them in most parts, they seemed like different people, maybe that`s how they`re supposed to seem anyway, since they`re growing up and persuing their carrers and marriages, and things like that.

This book gave me all sort of emotions, and I really mean that, it made me feel happy, very happy, sad, angry, in disbelief, in denial, in complete disbelief to some of the things I was reading...haha Every part made me feel a different way.

But that`s good I think, it certainly made the book very memorable to me, I`m sure I`ll read it again, slower this time, trying to appreciate the story a little more, and then I`m sure the new storyline will grow on me for good....hehe

Robin is a terrific writer and I`ll always love her and her books, even if they don`t turn out the way I expected. I definetely recommend this book, and all of Robin`s books, especially the Christy Series, who have a special place in my heart.

I can`t wait to see if Robin is ever writing about these characters again, I don`t know, but I sure hope so. Even if she comes up with some crazy story for them, after this book, I`m ready to read anything.

2 comentários:

  1. Nossa, Gabi, eu realmente pensei que você não fosse fazer o review. Até assustei quando vi seu blog no meu reader, rs.

    Gostei muito da sua honestidade. Sei bem como você se sentiu ao terminar o livro - e você sabe que eu senti a mesma coisa. Mas é bom ver que, com o tempo e uma releitura, a gente vai aceitando melhor as coisas. Não é assim com a vida? Nem tudo acontece do jeito que esperamos, mas não dá pra viver num fanfic onde tudo é perfeito. Tem coisas que eu sei que não vou concordar nunca. Ainda não consigo pegar o livro, abrir num capítulo aleatório e ler, como faço com os outros. Doeu traduzir aqueeeeele capítulo em que a Katie e o Rick conversam. Mas, enfim, não dá pra ficar sofrendo por um livro.

    Prefiro pensar que, em algum lugar desse mundo, uma Katie terá que terminar com o meu Rick pra que ele me encontre, rs.


  2. PS: Por que você não aproveita o embalo e continua escrevendo no blog? Lembra que uma vez você me disse que tinha vontade de fazer isso? Você escreve bem, seria legal :)
